The tremendous work of NGOs around the world is needed more than ever today. The European Commission will continue to support them in carrying out this crucial work without fear. #WorldNGOday
Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
As the non-state actor, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or NPOs (non-profit organisations) are part of the civil society sector and they contribute enormously to the development of the country
Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles
The international day for NGOs could be an important mile stone for the UN Millennium Goals, since the NGO sector is an important partner in order to achieve those goals - for a better civil society contribution, participation, and acknowledgement.
Aicha Bah Diallo, Minister of Education from 1989 to 1996
The World NGOs Day is an opportunity for NGOs to showcase their activities to all development stakeholders. It is a platform for sharing experiences, networking, opening new frontiers and reasserting the critical role played by NGOs in development.
Dr Hezron O Mc’Obewa
I believe that NGOs are key vehicles to leverage the socio- economic development of countries and regions. I strongly support World NGO Day - February 27.
Dr. William F. Shija (1947 – 2014), Secretary General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 2007-2014
27 February

Let's celebrate World NGO Day in Africa

Each year World NGO Day is celebrated on February 27th from South Africa, Nigeria, Central African Republic to Madagascar, and other countries.

The universal concept of the World NGO Day is to Celebrate, Commemorate and Collaborate - the various NGOs around the world, and the people behind them that contribute to society all year around.


World NGO Day
World NGO Day